we all love

One to one personal training

The Karina Experience



First we measure and review your current status

Nutrition and lifestyle

Are there areas in your life that you can work on to help improve your energy and focus



Together we make a schedule aimed at achieving your goals

Karina offers a 1 to 1 fitness package which includes the following

Assessment of muscular skeletal system and joint mobility
Tailor a workout programme to work towards the client’s objectives
Discuss nutrition and lifestyle
Provide guidance, demonstration, and support during the exercise sessions


First Meeting

 I work on a one to one basis.

In our first session I will :-

  • Take your physical measurements,
  • Talk with you about any injuries or problems you have
  • Observe you in some simple  exercises


Whether you’re curious about features, a free trial, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.